Female Mentoring is conducted via the "Butterfly Girls" group, Male Mentoring is conducted via the "Young Lions" group. These groups targets youth in the 10-17 age range. The mission is to help youth develop critical thinking skills to assist them in making positive life choices.
Boys Mentoring
Male Mentoring occurs in a nurturing environment of growth and development. The male mentoring group also sponsors a monthly "Men & Boys Breakfast" to bring men and boys together in an atmosphere of education and encouragement. To support this activity, the book "Young Lions: Challenged to Live Free of Drugs and Prison," is used to provide framework for discussions.
Girls Mentoring
The girls mentoring programs allows women and girls the opportunity to share information and perspectives about being female. Mature women share the benefit of their life experiences while young girls share the challenges they face in today's complex society. Workshops and motivational speakers are brought in to explore a variety of topics. Mentors may also participate in tutoring programs.
A Mentor is Not
Mentors are not babysitters, surrogate parents, therapists, nor saviors. While mentors desire to help, there are many factors that affect productive mentoring relationships.